Christ first manifested Himself to the world as an infant: to the Jews in the personage of the shepherds and to the Gentiles in the personage of the Magi. Then, until His Baptism in the Jordan by John, He lived a hidden life in love and obedience to His God and Father.
When we give ourselves in devotion to the Infant Jesus, under the aspect of The Infant Jesus of Prague, we are accepting Jesus in our lives as the loving and obedient Son of the Father. Such an acceptance calls for a transformation in our lives – "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" (Luke 14:15), and "Love one another as I have loved you" (Luke 15:12).
The Statutes of the Association and their method of fulfillment are as follows:
To Pray to The Divine Infant
- The Association Member is to recite three times daily: "Glory be to the Father, etc." together with the ejaculatory prayer. "Divine Infant Jesus, bless me."
- A novena of special prayers is offered each month at the National Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague, Prague, Oklahoma from the 17th through the 25th.
- The Sunday falling between the 17th and the 25th of each month is "Novena or Pilgrimage Sunday" when additional prayers such as The Rosary, The Litany of The Divine Infant, The Blessing of Children and the Sick, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament are added to the usual novena prayers.
To Place Members Under the Protection of The Divine Infant
- Visitors and Association members are encouraged to seek the help of The Infant Jesus in their needs by prayer to The Infant Jesus of Prague.
- Children and the Sick are given a special blessing during the Novena time.
To Promote Devotion to The Infant Jesus of Prague
- The National Shrine of The Infant Jesus of Prague, Prague, Oklahoma, provides a daytime stop for Association Members and visitors where they may pray and meditate on the place of Jesus in their lives and the transformation of their lives in obedience to His commands in a place of peaceful, beautiful and devotional surroundings.
- Groups able to make a daytime stop at The National Shrine of The Infant Jesus of Prague, Prague, Oklahoma, are encouraged to visit on Novena or Pilgrimage Sundays.
- A follow-up letter is sent to new visitors to the Shrine offering them the opportunity to join the Association of The Infant Jesus of Prague.
- A monthly letter is sent to Association members with news of happenings at The National Shrine of The Infant Jesus of Prague, Prague, Oklahoma and spiritual reflection. A returnable list of petitions of The Infant Jesus of Prague is included which, when returned, is placed before the statue of The Infant Jesus of Prague.
- A Gift Shop offers an array of religious items devoted to The Infant Jesus of Prague, the Sacraments and Sacramentals of the Church, and the religious education of youth and adults.
To Evangelize
- To help financial in the catechizing of children at the diocesan mission at Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala.
- To help financially the mission stations in Third World Countries, giving preference to the missions staffed by relatives of Catholics of the State of Oklahoma in their catechizing of children.