There will be an RCIA and Adult Faith Study Sunday mornings at 9:45am to 10:45am.
A 20-part series titled "SYMBOLON: The Catholic Faith Explained" will be presented. Each video session will last for 30-35 minutes. We will read Scripture and Catechism references as time allows.
The video series will start Sept. 25th. The series tells the whole story, but each session is a separate topic. You are welcome to join for all or any Sunday mornings.
Mike and Judy McCreight will be the facilitators. We will meet in the Hall.
Session 1 - The Journey of Faith: Faith and the God Who Is Love
Session 2 - Divine Revelation: God Seeking Us and the Compass for Our Lives
Session 3 - The Bible: God's Love Letter to Humanity
Session 4 - The Story of Salvation: Creation, Fall and Redemption
Session 5 - Who is Jesus?: Just a Good Man or Lord of our Lives?
Session 6 - The Pashcal Mystery: The Mystery of Jesus' Death and Resurrection
Session 7 - The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace: God's Divine Life Within Us
Session 8 - Why Do I Need the Church?: The Mystery of the Catholic Church
Session 9 - Mary and the Saints: Our Spiritual Mother and the Communion of Saints
Session 10 - The Last Things: What Happens After We Die
Session 11 - The Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation
Session 12 - The Eucharist: Source and Summit of Christian Life
Session 13 - Walk Through the Mass: Exploring the Sacred Liturgy
Session 14 - Penance and Anointing of the Sick: God's Mercy Revealed
Session 15 - Matrimony and Holy Orders: The Sacraments of Service and Communion
Session 16 - A Catholic Moral Vision - Virtue, Grace and the Path to Happiness
Session 17 - A Love That Lasts - The Call to Self-Giving Love
Session 18 - A Love That Lasts - God's Plan for Sexuality
Session 19 - Catholic Social Teaching: Building a Civilization of Love
Session 20 - Catholic Social Teaching: Protecting the Dignity of the Human Person